Monday, 8 June 2015

Mengejar Mimpi ke Jepang Part 3: Email ke Office of Graduate School

Setelah sebelumnya gagal Monbu G to G, akhirnya saya tetap memutuskan untuk tetap meneruskan perjuangan mencari informasi. Dan dimulai lah pencaritahuan mengenai Monbu U to U.

Sebelumnya saya tertarik ke Tokodai, a.k.a Tokyo Institute of Technology, karena disana apply S2 sekalian apply Monbu U to U, dan chance dapetnya lumayan besar kalau emang dari kampusnya udah keterima. Sayangnya, saya tidak menemukan lab yang sesuai dengan minat saya disana. Padahal saya udah nge-bookmark link-link web Tokodai udah dari kisaran akhir 2013 hahaha.

Dan akhirnya, (seperti yang sudah dijelaskan di Part 2), saya memulai penelusuran ke Todai dan Osaka.

Secara garis besar, yang saya lakukan adalah:
  1. Cari kontak email yang bisa dihubungi. Biasanya office of international relation atau semacamnya.
  2. Email, tanya tentang: Apply untuk Master Degree dan kesempatan apply Monbu U to U

Graduate School of Information Science and Technology (IST), Todai

Oke, setelah mencari-cari, saya menemukan kontak yang bisa dihubungi untuk ditanya-tanya. Dari, saya email ke email yang tertera disana.

Oke, dan isi email saya adalah sebagai berikut.
To Office of International Relations of Graduate School of Information Science and Technology,

My name is Dwindra Sulistyoutomo. I am student majoring Electrical Engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, and will graduate this October. I would like to continue my study at Master Degree at Department of  Mechano-Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology.
Therefore, I have some questions regarding my plan to continue my study:
1. Is there any possibility to apply for Master Degree without having exam in Japan for overseas applicant? For example having interview via internet for screening process.
2. For the scholarship, how are the process to get MEXT Scholarship with University Recommendation?
3. If I plan to start my study as Research Student, can I also apply for MEXT Scholarship with University Recommendation? If not, is there any scholarship for Research Student?

Actually I have more interest in MEXT Scholarship with University Recommendation, because I already miss the Japanese Embassy Recommendation. Therefore I really want to know more about MEXT Scholarship with University Recommendation.

Thank you very much for your attention,

Best regards,
Dwindra Sulistyoutomo
Electrical Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung

Pada poin nomor 3, saya tekankan lagi pertanyaan ke Research Student, karena jalur tersebut yang ingin saya ambil.

Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka

Untuk Grad school ini, saya nemu emailnya dari

Isi emailnya kurang lebih sama dengan yang dikirim ke Todai:
To Office of Graduate School of Engineering Science,

My name is Dwindra Sulistyoutomo. I am student majoring Electrical Engineering at Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, and will graduate this October. I would like to continue my study at Master Degree at Graduate School of Engineering Science.

I knew about "Engineering Science 21st Century" Program from Osaka University stand at Osaka Study Abroad Fair which is held at my campus last month. But there are still some question I want to ask about the program:
1. For English Proficiency Test, can I use my TOEIC score?
2. For the scholarship, is there any possibility to get MEXT Scholarship with University Recommendation?

Actually I have more interest in MEXT Scholarship with University Recommendation, because I already miss the Japanese Embassy Recommendation. Therefore I really want to know more about MEXT Scholarship with University Recommendation. But if there any information about other scholarship, I really appreciate your kindness.

Thank you very much for your time and your attention,

Best regards,
Dwindra Sulistyoutomo
Electrical Engineering
Institut Teknologi Bandung

Respondensi dengan Staf Office disana

Untuk Office, untungnya yang saya email responsif semua. Ya mungkin tidak cepat-cepat banget, tapi yang pasti dibales. Jadi yakin saja, kalau email ke Office harusnya sih pasti dibales.

Untuk selanjutnya saya akan membahas balasan yang saya dapat dari Todai saja, karena sebenarnya kurang lebih sama saja intinya.

Pertanyaan pertama saya soal apply Master Degree dan kesempatan Monbu U to U, dijawab dengan jawaban sebagai berikut oleh Sato-san, Staf dari Office of International Relation.
Dear Dwindra Sulistyoutomo-san,

Thank you for your email and interest in our graduate school.

As for your inquiries,
1. In our graduate case, all applicants have to take entrance examination in Tokyo. We don't have paper based selection.

2. If you want to enter IST, first you have to decide

I.To which department you want to apply
II.Which Professor to take academic instruction under

You can contact Professors in IST from the following webpage:

When you decide department and professor in IST, please contact the professor directly by email and get an informal acceptance from him (or her). We recommend you to attach your CV, research program and copy of your transcripts so that the professor can make a judgment.

When you have an acceptance from your professor, then please take advice from your professor as to which status to apply for in UTokyo.
And you need to ask to professor, you can apply for MEXT scholarship university recommendation or not. Because it is very very very highly competitive and your prospective professor also have to prepare several documents for MEXT scholarship application.

3. Next application period of MEXT scholarship university recommendation is the end of November or December 2014, it is for October 2015 entrance. If you will pass the selection, you can enter as an international research student with MEXT scholarship.
We don't have any scholarship for research student.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me anytime.

Berikutnya tanya-jawab berlanjut. Untuk persoalan Monbu U to U, saya sampai diminta untuk mengirimkan transkrip akademik dan CV saya. Dari yang saya tangkap, kemungkinan Sato-san ingin mengecek dulu kapabilitas saya untuk meng-apply Monbusho dengan rekomendasi dari Universitas.

Dialog tanya-jawab berhenti dengan akhir status bahwa saya harus mencari Professor terlebih dahulu, karena Monbu U to U sangat tergantung oleh Professor, karena ada dokumen rekomendasi dari Professor disana.

Dari titik ini, saya mencoba mempersiapkan dokumen dan mencari kontak Professor yang saya cari.

Kenapa saya mempersiapkan dokumen dulu?

Dokumen Monbu U to U dan G to G secara umum sama, dan yang paling penting adalah Research Plan menurut saya.
Saya mencoba tanya-tanya sama senior yang udah duluan ke Jepang, dan bertanya bagaimana baiknya mengemail Professor disana. Ada beberapa pendapat:
  1. Langsung aja email, yang perlu disertakan cuma identitas (CV). Intinya perkenalan dan penjelasan maksud.
  2. Email pakai CV dan Research Plan
Kalau saya pribadi, menurut saya alangkah lebih baik apabila kita mengirimkan email dengan beserta Research Plan. Kenapa? Karena dengan begitu si Professor bisa lihat seberapa jauh gambaran kita soal rencana riset disana, dan bisa jadi penilaian untuknya tentang Visi kita.

Sebenernya sih persiapan dokumen ini jalan paralel sama cari Professor, karena cari Professor itu membutuhkan waktu yang tidak sebentar.

Oke, berarti kita akan lanjut ke Part 4 : Research Plan dan Dokumen Lainnya

Index Part lainnya:
Part 1: Gambaran Umum Monbukagakusho Schokarship
"You get stronger when you meet a lot of people" - Kamen Rider Hibiki
*Lupa-lupa inget sih sama quote itu, tapi intinya begitu. Kita akan belajar banyak ketika bertemu bermacam-macam orang.

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